Spellcast: Deathmatch README file Although this program is copyrighted by Joseph M. Sims, the game Spellcaster (a.k.a. Waving Hands) is copyright (c) Richard A. Bartle. I have received permission to use this game as long as nobody makes real money off of it (such as subscription fees). I can't hire a lawyer to tell me if this specifically conflicts with the GPL, but I wish to use the GPL license. If it turns out that Richard A. Bartle's copyright does conflict with the GPL, your distribution rights for this game must be forfeit. In that case, please contact me at spellcast@josephsims.com, so that I can review my licensing options, and re-release the game legally. To avoid all of this hassle, if you wish to make money off of the game (outside of distribution or expenses), I implore you to contact Richard A. Bartle yourself, and work out a deal. Richard A. Bartle can be emailed at: richard@mud.co.uk Joseph M. Sims